Monday, September 27, 2010

Branding Day ~ What an Experience!

Well Well Well.

After 10 days of painstaking 1 hour a night sleeps, spending hours in front of the computer, behind the camera and around my group members; it all came down to this one day. Branding day, the official INFINITE productions coming out party of 2010/ 2011.

And what a day it was, filled with laughter, professionalism, entertainment, good music and positivity. I have had a lot of experience running shows but only a handful of shows where I was the director and project manager and host and head chef and waiter at the same time. Sooo, first off I would like to give some advice to all the future event planners out there; here is a list of some helpful tips.

1.      Stay calm in the midst of the storm
 (this is the most important part) If you are the Capitan and you don’t stay calm, your ship is going to sink. Chaos is on the other side of the line that separates a calm and collected project manager and a disaster of a show.

2.      Proper preparation produces perfect performance.
Simply put, EVERYTHING THAT CAN GO WRONG WILL GO WRONG. For example, we planned for an amazing event with 2 rehearsals prior to the show. Everybody came at 6:30 and everything was going smoothly, for about 5 minutes, then we realized our decorations bag had been stolen from our class room over the weekend and we lost about $60.00 worth of decorations, plates cups napkins and very expensive table cloths. Again staying calm is key. After rushing to Wal-Mart and spending every penny I had to y name I tried to salvage some of our decorations. Upon my return I was bombarded by a swarm of technical disasters. The mic's were not working , the slide show wouldn’t open, and to top it all off, 5 minutes before we were told to start, a we blew a fuse and knocked out power on the whole left side of the room. STAY calm, somehow I managed to have an amazing show!

3.      Professionalism at all costs.
When you are holding a show, you are to be professional from the start of the day to the end. When you wake up and address your family, do so in a professional way, when you are on your way and you see somebody on the bus, approach them on a professional way. You never know who's watching. Staying in that professional mindset will bring you way farther than trying to put on a professional mask.

Hope you enjoyed my tips and found them helpful!

The show was amazing; we really enjoyed the adjudicators, and did a great job throughout all the chaos that was going on behind the scenes. Secondary the Girls group was AMAZING! I love what they did, I must say I do love our idea more but theirs was equally as professional and wholesome. I hopefully landed a few gigs as well! I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all the adjudicators, performing for all our guests, and serving! Serving is a great thing to do, it’s fun and humbling.

In closing I would like to say both groups did an amazing Job. Not to say that I wouldn’t absolutely LOVE to win, I mean, I would probably be devastated to lose simply because of the level of work and money put into the production. But, either way, it was a great day, both groups get a great mark and we successfully branded the class! All the work we put in will not be in vein, so somebody might have to change a logo or a colour, let’s see the bigger picture!

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