Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Beauty: What Makes you feel beautiful?

Over the course of my many years living, learning and working with youth, I have come to realize many general things about us as a age group and a culture. One thing that really interests me is this age of superficial beauty. I’ve always wondered about beauty. I mean, is it truly in the eye of the beholder? If so who are your beholders? Many people have attempted stories and articles about this very thing, but for some reason or another; it just doesn’t get very far. I guess I’m going to write about a different side of the rock.
Many girls say that they want to look beautiful. A black girl wants to have long, straight hair. A white girl wants to have curly full hair. An Asian girl wants to have long eyelashes and tanned skin. But a Spanish girl wants to have thin eyebrows and a petit waist. I find it interesting that many people just don’t realize how beautiful they are? I recently had a conversation about this topic with a group of girls. Some said that they just want to ‘impress’ guys and so that’s why they wear the fake nails, make up, hair, eyelashes etc. But when you think about it; there are lots of guys out there who don’t care about those kind of things. Who really care about how beautiful you think you are and your self-confidence. In my opinion, if you’re a girl who wants to go out with a guy who wants you to lose ten pounds, or wants you to wear a new weave every week, your going out with the wrong guy. Maybe the answer is just finding somebody who is going to appreciate you for you?
But that is something deep and challenging within itself. I mean, how many girls these days, beautiful girls, have such low self esteem. Many girls I’d thought had every reason to be confident; nice personality, great looks, popularity and smarts. But the truth is many have low self esteem because they are afraid of being the imperfect masterpiece that God created them to be. In a way, you’re calling God an idiot for making you the way you are? Maybe instead of investing 3 hours and thirty dollars a day on your hair and makeup, you should just look within yourself and find out what you think is beautiful? And not care about anybody else’s opinion?

I’d like to end with a challenge that I gave to one of my peers. If you tend to wear makeup or tight fitting clothes, or something you think enhances your look, girl or guy. Try going to school/ work out just going out without it. If you can’t, maybe you need to re-evaluate what makes you beautiful, and start on the road to recovery.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tis the season of giving.

I’ve always been a person that enjoys both getting and giving. I love the feeling you get when you brighten up a person’s day but better yet, the knowledge that that small, insignificant sacrifice that you made, blossomed into a tree bearing fruits of gratitude, hope and joy.

Being an artist I always find my self-asking; ‘what can I give the audience?’ Recently it has been more like “what can the audience give me?’ I have been able to let the audience minister to me. To evoke a reaction from somebody tells you about the emotional and spiritual state that they are in and comments on their ability or inability to respond. This has been a revelation for me because its cognoscente of many forms of expression whether it be art, preaching, motivational speaking or counseling. Giving somebody joy, peace or sympathy through any of these mediums can be a gift that never perishes.

This Christmas I am a new person. I find my self not wanting…much. And the things that I want to give far outweigh the things what I want to get. I say this not to boost up my self-esteem but to compliment the simplicity of giving and receiving. And to magnify the immense gift that we humans are given each day. When we wake up in the morning and are able to breathe, or when we arise in the beginning of the day feeling energized and joyous. I believe I live in a society and culture where complacency plagues the hearts of many and redemption is rich in abundance for the few who seek it.

I thank God for the opportunity to give, maybe that opportunity is all the gift that I need. Merry Christmas.

Virtuous Girl

These days the world is changing. Virtue is frowned upon like its the plague and "church girls" are seen as uncool. But I really hope that some can stay on the right path. I've only had the privilege of knowing a few but I tell you, theres something about a virtuous girl.

Virtuous Girl

She wasn’t just another girl
She was a one of a kind, a one in the world
She was a nice slice of cake dressed in impeccable virtue
I said to my self be careful or she’ll hurt you
She wasn’t perfect but she was sure sweet
Kind of girl to rock your world and sweep you of your feet
She was so in touch with God her riotousness was her glory
Seemed like that proverbs 31:10 type of shorty
Like sporty spice she gave wise advice
Dressed modest and nice and in love with Christ
She spoke I’m telling you you’d want to hear it
She was a tree blossoming with the fruits of the spirit
She has spiritual beauty
With her I didn’t care about the beauty
I fell in love with what her virtue did to me
Kind of girl who made a man want to be better
And I’m telling you in a million years I would never forget her
I thanked God for that blessed day in which I met her
Because If I saw her again I swore that I would tell her
How she made me smile at all my pain
Through her God gave me peace in the storm and the rain
I would be her lion and I’d wear her like a mane
Every roar is a war cry proclaiming Jesus’ name
But is funny how life just turned around again
Because in the end
We ended up friends
But till this day she makes me want to sing
I guess we’ll be friends until I buy that ring.

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Christmas Redemption

Have you ever had an experience that changed your life? Not just a personal level but a spiritual and artistic level? I’ve recently been blessed with such an experience. I had the amazing privilege of acting in a main stage play called ‘A Christmas Redemption’ written and directed by my acting coach, the illustrious Kim Thomas. The show was powerful. Not only did I have an absolutely life changing experience as a cast member, photographer and stage helper; I was blessed by the message.

The play confronted issues that people go through. Issues like emotional and verbal abuse, unemployment, vanity and the number one Christmas theme Jesus Christ. We watched as the lives of the leads were deconstructed and restored by grace through faith. It was inspiring. I cried as I heard the alter call after the play and I heard the pastor recognizing those who had turned their lives over to Jesus. The first ‘yes amen’ that I heard made it all worth it. The countless hours of rehearsal; the crazy hours and extreme commitment were all worth it knowing that we were able to impact even one person at all. God is certainly good.

Something special happens when we are able to let God speak through us using art. I believe that art is one of the most organic forms of spiritual and emotional expression. And I now know that art has the power to be a catalyst for change in a person’s life.

I am truly thankful that God was able to speak through me, even if, in my minor roll, through a still small voice. God was absolutely in the building and every person felt it. Even the cast members were ministered to. And although the play is over (for now) I believe the message is one that can transcend a lifetime and impact generations to come. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Richard Pryor is Now a Part of My Life...

So, the Plan?
I plan on writing my monologue from the perspective of Richard prior when he was in his mid to late 30’s after filming Grease Lightning (1977). Richard had been struggling with cocaine and alcohol and was on the verge of turning his life around when he was diagnosed with cancer. My monologue will be based on the life and demise of Richard. His opinions on how he lived/ lives and the turning point in his career and life.
Mini Biography & Artist Biography
Highly influential, and always controversial, African/American actor/comedian who was equally well known for his colorful language during his live comedy shows, as for his fast paced life, multiple marriages and battles with drug addiction. He has been acknowledged by many modern comic artist's as a key influence on their careers, and Pryor's observational humor on African/American life in the USA during the 1970s was razor sharp brilliance. He was born Richard Franklin Lennox Pryor III in Peoria, Illinois on December 1st 1940, the son of a prostitute, and was abandoned by his mother at ten years of age, after which he was raised in his grandmother's brothel. Unfortunately, Pryor was molested at the age of six by a teenage neighbor, and later by a neighborhood priest. To escape this troubled life, the young Pryor was an avid movie fan and a regular visitor to local movie theaters in Peoria. After numerous jobs, including truck driver and meat packer, the young Pryor did a stint in the US Army between 1958 & 1960 in which he performed in amateur theater shows. After he left the services in 1960, Pryor started singing in small clubs, but inadvertently found that humor was his real forte.

Aids Awareness.

HIV and Aids. It’s a deep issue. Due to the increasing aids awareness campaigns in the world new cases of HIV and Aids has dropped by 20%. We are on the road to finding a cure, and were pretty close. I am extremely stricken with compassion and guilt for those with HIV and Aids. They live amongst us as semi-functioning members of society but they are burdened with a heavy weight on their sholders.

I cant imagine being diagnosed with Aids. I mean, what would I do? What would I say? I have no clue at all. I do believe in the strength and power of faith and prayer. But some don’t. what must if feel like to be diagnosed with adisease that cankill you so easily, to have no hope, faith or belief in better days to come?

I think its important for everybody to look deep within ourselves and see the root of out compassion. Out pity is our humanity. When we are able to understand the fear and pain in others, redemption for ignorance of these things can begin. I do believe many of us live in ignorance. Not only about people with HIV and Aids but for all those in life. Everybody has struggle. Somer more than others and some have it harder but everyone goes through trials and tribulations. I think that it is exremly important that we try to become people of knowledge and wisdom in our relationships with others.
Imagine co-workers that you do not like, people at school that spread rumors aboutyou, family members that rub you the wrong way. Everybody has trials that they go through. And just like you, sometimes the stress of these trials makesroom for mistakes and infuences behavior. We all have the capacity to sin. So lets stop being so judgmental and start looking at solutions to conflict, hope for the hopeless and redemption, for all.