Sunday, December 5, 2010

Aids Awareness.

HIV and Aids. It’s a deep issue. Due to the increasing aids awareness campaigns in the world new cases of HIV and Aids has dropped by 20%. We are on the road to finding a cure, and were pretty close. I am extremely stricken with compassion and guilt for those with HIV and Aids. They live amongst us as semi-functioning members of society but they are burdened with a heavy weight on their sholders.

I cant imagine being diagnosed with Aids. I mean, what would I do? What would I say? I have no clue at all. I do believe in the strength and power of faith and prayer. But some don’t. what must if feel like to be diagnosed with adisease that cankill you so easily, to have no hope, faith or belief in better days to come?

I think its important for everybody to look deep within ourselves and see the root of out compassion. Out pity is our humanity. When we are able to understand the fear and pain in others, redemption for ignorance of these things can begin. I do believe many of us live in ignorance. Not only about people with HIV and Aids but for all those in life. Everybody has struggle. Somer more than others and some have it harder but everyone goes through trials and tribulations. I think that it is exremly important that we try to become people of knowledge and wisdom in our relationships with others.
Imagine co-workers that you do not like, people at school that spread rumors aboutyou, family members that rub you the wrong way. Everybody has trials that they go through. And just like you, sometimes the stress of these trials makesroom for mistakes and infuences behavior. We all have the capacity to sin. So lets stop being so judgmental and start looking at solutions to conflict, hope for the hopeless and redemption, for all.

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