Wednesday, October 13, 2010


What an interesting thanks giving I had. Going into this long weekend I had a lot to be thankful for. A good house, great family, amazing parents, successful education, blossoming dreams, amazing mentors and promising future to say the least. But something amazed me. many times we treat thanksgiving like a day that we all look at ourselves for the truly greedy, selfish and unthankful people we are. And I must admit I did do some introspective investigation in that field and I am still examining my heart when it comes to that subject. But my thanksgiving was so much more meaningful than a dinner and some self pity.

I spent Sunday waking up at 6:30 as usual to get to my film mentor's house for 6:58 sharp to pack the van and film KBM Live TV at my church, like I do every Sunday. I have always said I am more thankful for that opportunity than I am tired of waking up so early. After church my sisters and I went to my father’s house and had a spectacular thanksgiving dinner. A first for my father (having all of his kids at thanks giving) and a first for all of us kids. The emotions were so present, laughter and tears communicated messages beyond time or meaning.

I woke up on Monday morning sick as a dog. I didn’t see it coming at all but for some reason, although I had a pounding head ach my mind was at ease. I spent the majority of the day home alone in bed while the rest of my family went to thanksgiving dinner. My step father picked me up and drove me to my grandmother’s house where my family was around four o’clock. I ended up spending all that time curled up on the couch, than the bed. But I was so thankful for all my family who was there for me, to bring me tea, to pray for me, to get me orange juice or to rub my back. And although I was sick, I felt better than I'd felt in weeks. What an amazing weekend! 

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