Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dear Satan

You tried your hardest and you almost had me
Sadly my daddy grabbed me and snatched me out
Of the realm of your influence
I was ignorant to your impudent tactics but no longer shall I hide
Under the reign of the evil and frightening
I will abide under the shadows of the almighty,
Fighting not against flesh and blood ooohh Satan you tried to pull a fast one on me
You got pretty close to,
As I got close to sin and the things I was exposed to things I’m not supposed to
Somebody should have told you I serve the realest Ghost you
Tempted me. Like you did Jesus on that rock face
But I wont falter and when I’m tempted I stare into my rock’s face
And I’m set free. Because he who the sun sets free is free indeed
And indeed I am free because I’m set free but he who is and always was
Will do and always does save me by grace through faith
How must it feel to get that close and fail
Time and time again fire raining down on you like hail
Like you thought you stuck him on that cross with those three nails
Now you’re stuck in a maximum security jail called hell.
The difference is God is a God of power.
You’re just a coward.
Trying to enslave people through perpetual sinning
Minds spinning since we fell from grace in the beginning.
Did you really think you were winning?
You know I serve a God who’s jaw has the power to stop time
Who destroyed the tower of Babel on that first climb
Who created songs of psalms with that first rhyme
Who casts you out in that first bind
So who’s situation is worse mine?
Because I wait on the return of my heard cries
Or you eternal torment and your hurt cries
Never to quench where the thirst lies
Satan you egotistical prick
You thought you were slick
Thought I would fall for that age old trick
Like those lies you told me would stick
I say ick when I see you as if
I could beat you in your own game
I didn’t answer when you called me and the phone rang
I didn’t accept your offer I say no thanks
See you just got beat at your own game.
Dear Satan.

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