Monday, January 3, 2011

I am eager to serve.
This Christmas was amazing. I had a different mindset going into this Christmas season. I remember being so excited about Christmas and all that it brought. As a child I was conditioned to believe that Christmas was about toys and getting what you want while finding little time to be nice to people. I remember anticipating Christmas for months to come. I remember counting down the days until Christmas when December started with those chocolate calendars. Christmas was about fun. I'm 17 now and this year Christmas was very different for me. I admit I was a very philosophical child. Somewhere I understood that Christmas was not about all of that. But I didn't fully understand what it was about. 2010 was a year of character refining and soul searching for me. I was in a continual state of introspective reflection. And through all of that self examination I tried very hard to examine my motives for thing that I invested my time into. Christmas slowly turned from a celebration off gifts to a swift reality Check. After all Christmas is about celebrating the gift, life and ministry of Jesus Christ. And Jesus had a will for his followers; to love each other like we I've ourselves and love God above anybody else. I took this holiday season to find think about what my life meant in the bigger picture. I had the best Christmas of my life because I took the time and effort to simply give. It was an amazing experience and I can finally say that I know what Christmas is supposed to be about.

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