Monday, January 3, 2011

Visiting The Open Mic

Open Mic Night

I'm on the subway on my way to my favorite place in Toronto the Trane Studio. The night is appropriately names Soulistic Tuesdays. The Trane is  a jazz restaurant located on Bathurst and Bloor. The warm tones, candel light, beautiful painting and soulful Jazz music paints the perfect picture for a humble poet like myself. The first time I went to the Trane I wasvery young. I was around 9 years old with a passion RFID e erything artistic and soulful. My father is one of the extremely talented chefs at that restaurant took me there one night when I was about 16. Normlly I would si in the back with my dad helping him cook while listening to the amazing music and spoken word artists that grace the stage. I would dream if being one of those talented adults performing for the sophiitacted audience and overs of creativity. That night I got my chance. I performed at an open mic and I did very well. That night I fell in love with the art isnppen mic-ing. It was an amazing experience and I've been going ever since. Not only to the Trane bu to other events like the toronto poetry slams talent shows and things of that sort. I love you Toronto!

"The Trane Studio is a venue for artists and audiences interested in experiencing Jazz as vibrant and contemporary music. Concerts at The Trane Studiocelebrate the history of Jazz while embracing and nurturing it's current manifestations in African, Urban, Latin and World music styles. This intimate space presents an environment through music, visual art and food that is welcoming and relaxed while also engaging audiences to expand their conceptions of what Jazz music is and how it relates to them. Now celebrating its sixth anniversary, The Trane Studio continues to host prominent local musicians and Toronto arts events with weekly offerings and curated concerts."

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